Chillington Solar Farm

Frequently Asked Questions

Solar PV & BESS
Ecology & Biodiversity
Local & National Energy Targets

Solar PV & BESS


How does co-located solar PV & BESS work?

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) energy is the most promising and popular form of solar energy. It works by converting sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is made of photons which are small particles of energy. These photons are absorbed by and pass through the material of a solar cell or solar photovoltaic panel.  The photons agitate the electrons found in the material of the photovoltaic cell.  As they begin to move (or are dislodged), they are routed into a current.  This is electricity – the movement of electrons along a path.  These electrons are then conducted through a wire to the grid.

The purpose of BESS is to store electricity that has been generated from the solar PV farm, so that it can be stored and then exported back to the grid at times of high demand/low generation. As the electricity that is generated from solar PV energy is subject to peaks and troughs, depending on climatic conditions, the system is able to store electricity when generation is high and then supply energy to the grid when less electricity is being generated or when there are additional or higher demands on the grid.

The UK  Government is  committed to a rapid transition towards a zero-carbon economy; a significant expansion in low carbon electricity generation is a key part of the Governments’ energy strategy. Consequences of this expansion include changes to the daily electricity demand and supply pattern, an increasingly volatile generation mix and greater issues with geographical concentration of generation. Transmission network constraints occur when network infrastructure limits the ability of the network to transmit all the available power to where it is needed.

There is a growing need for technologies that can respond quickly to balance generation and load in the system. This is to ensure grid stability and security of supply, ultimately avoiding the need for extreme demand-reduction measures, which can include blackouts.

BESS offers an efficient and responsive solution to actively manage grid demands by storing surplus electricity for distributing back to the grid in times of peak demand. This system caters for the inherent intermittency of renewable energy sources, helping to balance transmission requirements and Lithium-ion BESS is currently the most suitable technology.


Benefits of co-located solar PV & BESS?

  • Most efficient at peak times of day for energy usage;
  • Clean, quiet and visually unobtrusive;
  • Solar energy farms do not produce any pollution or emissions;
  • Local and national CO2 production is reduced;
  • Creates clean, renewable energy that will sustain and support the health of future generations;
  • Supports national energy independence;
  • The construction phase will result in job creation and increased expenditure in local shops, restaurants/cafes and hotels; and
  • The maintenance of the site will generate further opportunities for employment.

The BESS facility can import or export large amounts of electricity with no time lag and has the following benefits:

  • Allows for better and more flexible use of renewable energy sources, supporting the integration of renewables in the drive for decarbonisation;
  • Efficient use of existing national infrastructure by making smarter use of existing capacity, to help defer or negate the need for grid reinforcement.
  • Supports national energy independence (by storing excess generation until it is needed helping to control consumer prices);
  • Installation period is faster than other traditional or renewable energy plants
  • The construction phase will result in job creation and increased expenditure in local shops, restaurants/cafes and hotels; and
  • The maintenance of the site will generate further opportunities for employment.

Ecology & Biodiversity


Our objective is always to mitigate any potential impacts on wildlife and habitats. Solar PV and BESS developments encourage biodiversity as they are tranquil sites that do not require heavy machinery or intensive farming for maintenance over the 40-year lifetime of the development.  Existing hedgerows and vegetation are retained for the most part and additional site-specific measures will be included in a Ecological Appraisal (including net gain and biodiversity metrics) for the site.  These measures combined enable local flora & fauna to flourish in the surrounding area thus increasing biodiversity.

Use of Agricultural Land

The proposed site is located within agricultural farmland and is predominantly used for arable crop cultivation. An Agricultural Land Classification will be performed but the Site is believed to be classified as mostly Grade 3 land and is therefore not within the best and most versatile classification for agriculture.


Local & National Energy Targets


Local & National Energy Targets

The UK is undergoing a major change in the way it meets its energy needs. In 2019, the Government declared a climate emergency and legislated to commit the country to achieving ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2050 in comparison to emissions at 1990 levels. To meet these commitments it is necessary to significantly expand renewable infrastructure and generate home grown, clean, low carbon energy to mitigate the impact of human activity on the climate and ensure the future security of the environment and generations to come.

In order to meet the 2050 emission targets, and more challenging targets set recently at the UN climate change conference COP26, the UK has a responsibility to increase the amount of renewable energy generated power it produces to move away from its dependence on fossil fuels. COP26 goal 1 outlines the need to invest in renewable energy to ensure that the target of global net-zero emissions by 2050, together with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, can be achieved.

A further commitment by the UK Government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 78% by 2035 is set out in the Sixth Carbon Budget (2021).  The bar is continually rising and immediate action is needed to achieve such ambitious targets.  The rising costs of energy due to demand after the COVID 19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have exacerbated the urgency of the UK’s need for energy security.  The publication of the British Energy Security Strategy (2022) reaffirms the urgent need to stabilise the UK’s energy supply.  The strategy states the Government expects a five-fold increase in solar energy deployment by 2035.

Powering up Britain was published by the Government in March 2023 and recognises the rising costs of energy bills and the impact on families and households. It strives for a net zero economy by 2050 and declares the aim that the UK will have among the cheapest wholesale electricity prices in Europe by 2035. The target for solar power is to quintuple the amount of solar power, up to 70GW by 2035, enough to power approximately 20 million homes. The Energy Security Plan within the document outlines the Government’s vision to potentially double Britain’s electricity generation capacity by the late 2030’s.

At a local scale, South Staffordshire Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 following the 2018 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which warned of the devastating consequences of a global temperature rise of more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. A topic paper entitled Sustainable Construction and Renewable Energy was prepared in 2022 in support of the local plan review process. This was partly informed by the Staffordshire Climate Change Study 2020 which highlights the need to facilitate a rapid step-change in renewable supply.

South Staffordshire currently has a total generation of 36,227 MWh/year from renewable and low carbon energy, of which 18,283 MWh/year is from solar pholtovoltaics. Within the wider County, the level of current renewable energy generation is equivalent to only 10% of Staffordshire’s electricity demand. This evidences the significant gap between electricity demand and renewable energy infrastructure in the district. Local Staffordshire-wide evidence indicates that decarbonising Staffordshire’s electricity grid would require at least a ten-fold increase in renewable energy generation, which would primarily be made up of increases in solar and wind technologies.

Public Consultation Process
Key Project Details
Key Components in the Proposed Development

Public Consultation Process


How long will this consultation take place for? 

Engaging with our host communities will be vital to the success of this carbon-saving facility. We would like to hear your views on the proposal and how it might benefit not only the wider environment but its immediate surroundings.

We would like to invite you to complete the survey provided on this website. This will help us understand your views on renewable energy and will give you a chance to suggest how the development can best be made to work for the good of the community.


A community digital consultation is ongoing via this website where you are able to make comment on the proposals directly to us via the survey provided or via email. These comments must be submitted no later than 30th May 2023.


A public consultation open day will be held on Monday the 22nd of May 2023 at Brewood Jubilee Hall, 2 Bargate Street, Brewood, ST19 9BB between 3pm-7pm, during which team members and project specialists will be available to discuss the project.


Who do I contact for more information? 

You can get in touch with our project development team to request further information. Contact details can be found here.


Key Project Details


Site Location

The Site is located approximately 1.1km west of the village of Coven. The Site is on agricultural land at Port Lane, Brewood, Wolverhampton WV8 1RE and is within the administrative boundary of South Staffordshire Council.


Size of the Site

The red line boundary is 66 ha/ 163 acres.


Temporary Development

Planning permission is being sought for the development with an operational period of 40 years.


Site Access

The site is expected to be accessed for construction via Port Lane, from the north of the site.


Construction Period, Construction & Operational Traffic

During the construction period, which is estimated to take approximately 12-24 weeks, delivery vehicles and construction staff will make vehicular trips to the site. Most of the deliveries will be undertaken by HGV. It is envisaged that over the busiest construction period there will be an average of 8 HGV movements (4 arrivals and 4 departures) per day. During the 40-year operational life of the project it is envisaged that in addition to average traffic there will be, on average, 8 vehicle movements (car/van) per month related to the ongoing operation and maintenance of the installation.


Decommissioning the site

At the end of the proposed 40-year operational period, the solar PV and BESS and its ancillary equipment will be decommissioned, dismantled and removed and the site fully reinstated to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.

It is estimated that decommissioning of the proposed project Chillington will take approximately 4 months to complete.

Subject to best practice at the time, it is anticipated that solar PV decommissioning will involve:

  • Disconnecting and removal of all wiring, cables and electrical interconnections;
  • Dismantling and removal of the solar panels;
  • Dismantling and removal of mounting frames, including extraction of in ground support structures;
  • Demolition and removal of central inverter stations or mini-inverters;
  • Removal of fences and gates;
  • Reinstatement of land affected in accordance with best practice; and
  • Where possible, all of the proposed Chillington Solar PV Farm components will be removed and reused or recycled. Where this is not possible, any waste generated during decommissioning will be removed and transported by a certified and licensed contractor.


Subject to best practice at the time, it is anticipated that BESS decommissioning will involve:

  • Disconnecting and removal of all wiring, cables and electrical interconnections;
  • Dismantling and removal of the BESS;
  • Dismantling and removal of the in-ground support structures;
  • Removal of fences and gates;
  • Reinstatement of land affected in accordance with best practice; and
  • Where possible, all of the proposed Chilllington BESS project components will be removed and reused or recycled. Where this is not possible, any waste generated during decommissioning will be removed and transported by a certified and licensed contractor.

Generating Capacity & CO2 Savings

The site will have an approximate capacity 40 megawatts (MW) of solar PV and 40 megawatts (MW) of BESS.


Key Components in the Proposed Development


What equipment will be used on site?

The following components are proposed for this solar farm:

Solar Panels

The proposed solar farm will be made up, principally, of dark solar panels. Each panel is approximately 2 x 1m. The solar panels will be arranged in a series of rows up to a height of 3m at the highest point and tilted southwards at and angle of, typically, 10 – 25 degrees from horizontal.



Inverters are required to convert the direct current generated by the photovoltaic modules to grid compatible alternating current (AC). There will be approximately 14 inverters on the site.  The inverters are typically 7 m long x 2.5 m wide x 3 m high with a concrete base.  To see photos of inverters, please visit the photos section.

Battery storage system (BESS)

The proposed BESS will be made up, principally, 30 battery storage containers, 15  inverter/Power Control System (PCS) containers (comprising of transformer/inverters/monitoring systems), palisade and wooden fencing, parking facilities for limited maintenance vehicles and CCTV monitoring system. The battery storage containers dimensions will typically be 12.2m x 2.44m x rising to 3.1m and the PCS containers typically ranging from 7-10m x 2.2 -3m rising to 3m in height.


Grid Connection 

The proposed BESS will require a Distribution and client-side substation to connect to the distribution network via a transformer. The proposed solar farm will require a cable easement of 4.5km to connect to the substation which is located just to the south-east of the Site.


Access Track

A 4 m wide permeable access track will be installed to provide access to the compound.



A 2.4m palisade security fence and double gates will be erected around the site for health, safety and insurance purposes.



A series of CCTV cameras will be installed throughout the site. The CCTV arrangements are based on infrared technology so no lighting will be required at night-time

Health and Safety

Health and Safety



Each battery container and inverter station will contain a small fan that is similar to a domestic bathroom fan in both size & rating, these would be away from sensitive noise receptors and the project will be compliant with the noise limits set by the South Staffordshire Council.



No emissions will be emitted by the development.



There is one right of way that traverses through the centre of the site. The footpath will be incorporated in the design of the Development so that the rights of way will not be affected.

A full landscape appraisal will form part of the planning application. Appropriate boundary planting, together with the retention and protection of existing hedgerows would soften the boundaries of the site to assist the project’s integration into the landscape. Trees will be retained as part of the development.


Is there an increased risk of flooding around solar PV & BESS?

There is no  expected significant increase in surface water runoff and therefore no significant increase in the risk of flooding as little impermeable hard surfacing is required. The majority of the solar farm remains open grassland as the features are not altered in any way. The solar farm infrastructure does not affect runoff volumes, with the use of driplines along the face of panels evenly dispersing surface water across the underlying grounds. In addition, the panels are raised on a pre-fabricated framework on screw-driven legs, so only approximately 5% of the ground surface is utilised.


Solar PV & BESS

Solar PV & BESS


How does co-located solar PV & BESS work?

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) energy is the most promising and popular form of solar energy. It works by converting sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is made of photons which are small particles of energy. These photons are absorbed by and pass through the material of a solar cell or solar photovoltaic panel.  The photons agitate the electrons found in the material of the photovoltaic cell.  As they begin to move (or are dislodged), they are routed into a current.  This is electricity – the movement of electrons along a path.  These electrons are then conducted through a wire to the grid.

The purpose of BESS is to store electricity that has been generated from the solar PV farm, so that it can be stored and then exported back to the grid at times of high demand/low generation. As the electricity that is generated from solar PV energy is subject to peaks and troughs, depending on climatic conditions, the system is able to store electricity when generation is high and then supply energy to the grid when less electricity is being generated or when there are additional or higher demands on the grid.

The UK  Government is  committed to a rapid transition towards a zero-carbon economy; a significant expansion in low carbon electricity generation is a key part of the Governments’ energy strategy. Consequences of this expansion include changes to the daily electricity demand and supply pattern, an increasingly volatile generation mix and greater issues with geographical concentration of generation. Transmission network constraints occur when network infrastructure limits the ability of the network to transmit all the available power to where it is needed.

There is a growing need for technologies that can respond quickly to balance generation and load in the system. This is to ensure grid stability and security of supply, ultimately avoiding the need for extreme demand-reduction measures, which can include blackouts.

BESS offers an efficient and responsive solution to actively manage grid demands by storing surplus electricity for distributing back to the grid in times of peak demand. This system caters for the inherent intermittency of renewable energy sources, helping to balance transmission requirements and Lithium-ion BESS is currently the most suitable technology.


Benefits of co-located solar PV & BESS?

  • Most efficient at peak times of day for energy usage;
  • Clean, quiet and visually unobtrusive;
  • Solar energy farms do not produce any pollution or emissions;
  • Local and national CO2 production is reduced;
  • Creates clean, renewable energy that will sustain and support the health of future generations;
  • Supports national energy independence;
  • The construction phase will result in job creation and increased expenditure in local shops, restaurants/cafes and hotels; and
  • The maintenance of the site will generate further opportunities for employment.

The BESS facility can import or export large amounts of electricity with no time lag and has the following benefits:

  • Allows for better and more flexible use of renewable energy sources, supporting the integration of renewables in the drive for decarbonisation;
  • Efficient use of existing national infrastructure by making smarter use of existing capacity, to help defer or negate the need for grid reinforcement.
  • Supports national energy independence (by storing excess generation until it is needed helping to control consumer prices);
  • Installation period is faster than other traditional or renewable energy plants
  • The construction phase will result in job creation and increased expenditure in local shops, restaurants/cafes and hotels; and
  • The maintenance of the site will generate further opportunities for employment.
Ecology & Biodiversity

Ecology & Biodiversity


Our objective is always to mitigate any potential impacts on wildlife and habitats. Solar PV and BESS developments encourage biodiversity as they are tranquil sites that do not require heavy machinery or intensive farming for maintenance over the 40-year lifetime of the development.  Existing hedgerows and vegetation are retained for the most part and additional site-specific measures will be included in a Ecological Appraisal (including net gain and biodiversity metrics) for the site.  These measures combined enable local flora & fauna to flourish in the surrounding area thus increasing biodiversity.

Use of Agricultural Land

The proposed site is located within agricultural farmland and is predominantly used for arable crop cultivation. An Agricultural Land Classification will be performed but the Site is believed to be classified as mostly Grade 3 land and is therefore not within the best and most versatile classification for agriculture.

Local & National Energy Targets

Local & National Energy Targets


Local & National Energy Targets

The UK is undergoing a major change in the way it meets its energy needs. In 2019, the Government declared a climate emergency and legislated to commit the country to achieving ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2050 in comparison to emissions at 1990 levels. To meet these commitments it is necessary to significantly expand renewable infrastructure and generate home grown, clean, low carbon energy to mitigate the impact of human activity on the climate and ensure the future security of the environment and generations to come.

In order to meet the 2050 emission targets, and more challenging targets set recently at the UN climate change conference COP26, the UK has a responsibility to increase the amount of renewable energy generated power it produces to move away from its dependence on fossil fuels. COP26 goal 1 outlines the need to invest in renewable energy to ensure that the target of global net-zero emissions by 2050, together with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, can be achieved.

A further commitment by the UK Government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 78% by 2035 is set out in the Sixth Carbon Budget (2021).  The bar is continually rising and immediate action is needed to achieve such ambitious targets.  The rising costs of energy due to demand after the COVID 19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have exacerbated the urgency of the UK’s need for energy security.  The publication of the British Energy Security Strategy (2022) reaffirms the urgent need to stabilise the UK’s energy supply.  The strategy states the Government expects a five-fold increase in solar energy deployment by 2035.

Powering up Britain was published by the Government in March 2023 and recognises the rising costs of energy bills and the impact on families and households. It strives for a net zero economy by 2050 and declares the aim that the UK will have among the cheapest wholesale electricity prices in Europe by 2035. The target for solar power is to quintuple the amount of solar power, up to 70GW by 2035, enough to power approximately 20 million homes. The Energy Security Plan within the document outlines the Government’s vision to potentially double Britain’s electricity generation capacity by the late 2030’s.

At a local scale, South Staffordshire Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 following the 2018 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which warned of the devastating consequences of a global temperature rise of more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. A topic paper entitled Sustainable Construction and Renewable Energy was prepared in 2022 in support of the local plan review process. This was partly informed by the Staffordshire Climate Change Study 2020 which highlights the need to facilitate a rapid step-change in renewable supply.

South Staffordshire currently has a total generation of 36,227 MWh/year from renewable and low carbon energy, of which 18,283 MWh/year is from solar pholtovoltaics. Within the wider County, the level of current renewable energy generation is equivalent to only 10% of Staffordshire’s electricity demand. This evidences the significant gap between electricity demand and renewable energy infrastructure in the district. Local Staffordshire-wide evidence indicates that decarbonising Staffordshire’s electricity grid would require at least a ten-fold increase in renewable energy generation, which would primarily be made up of increases in solar and wind technologies.

Public Consultation Process

Public Consultation Process


How long will this consultation take place for? 

Engaging with our host communities will be vital to the success of this carbon-saving facility. We would like to hear your views on the proposal and how it might benefit not only the wider environment but its immediate surroundings.

We would like to invite you to complete the survey provided on this website. This will help us understand your views on renewable energy and will give you a chance to suggest how the development can best be made to work for the good of the community.


A community digital consultation is ongoing via this website where you are able to make comment on the proposals directly to us via the survey provided or via email. These comments must be submitted no later than 30th May 2023.


A public consultation open day will be held on Monday the 22nd of May 2023 at Brewood Jubilee Hall, 2 Bargate Street, Brewood, ST19 9BB between 3pm-7pm, during which team members and project specialists will be available to discuss the project.


Who do I contact for more information? 

You can get in touch with our project development team to request further information. Contact details can be found here.

Key Project Details

Key Project Details


Site Location

The Site is located approximately 1.1km west of the village of Coven. The Site is on agricultural land at Port Lane, Brewood, Wolverhampton WV8 1RE and is within the administrative boundary of South Staffordshire Council.


Size of the Site

The red line boundary is 66 ha/ 163 acres.


Temporary Development

Planning permission is being sought for the development with an operational period of 40 years.


Site Access

The site is expected to be accessed for construction via Port Lane, from the north of the site.


Construction Period, Construction & Operational Traffic

During the construction period, which is estimated to take approximately 12-24 weeks, delivery vehicles and construction staff will make vehicular trips to the site. Most of the deliveries will be undertaken by HGV. It is envisaged that over the busiest construction period there will be an average of 8 HGV movements (4 arrivals and 4 departures) per day. During the 40-year operational life of the project it is envisaged that in addition to average traffic there will be, on average, 8 vehicle movements (car/van) per month related to the ongoing operation and maintenance of the installation.


Decommissioning the site

At the end of the proposed 40-year operational period, the solar PV and BESS and its ancillary equipment will be decommissioned, dismantled and removed and the site fully reinstated to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.

It is estimated that decommissioning of the proposed project Chillington will take approximately 4 months to complete.

Subject to best practice at the time, it is anticipated that solar PV decommissioning will involve:

  • Disconnecting and removal of all wiring, cables and electrical interconnections;
  • Dismantling and removal of the solar panels;
  • Dismantling and removal of mounting frames, including extraction of in ground support structures;
  • Demolition and removal of central inverter stations or mini-inverters;
  • Removal of fences and gates;
  • Reinstatement of land affected in accordance with best practice; and
  • Where possible, all of the proposed Chillington Solar PV Farm components will be removed and reused or recycled. Where this is not possible, any waste generated during decommissioning will be removed and transported by a certified and licensed contractor.


Subject to best practice at the time, it is anticipated that BESS decommissioning will involve:

  • Disconnecting and removal of all wiring, cables and electrical interconnections;
  • Dismantling and removal of the BESS;
  • Dismantling and removal of the in-ground support structures;
  • Removal of fences and gates;
  • Reinstatement of land affected in accordance with best practice; and
  • Where possible, all of the proposed Chilllington BESS project components will be removed and reused or recycled. Where this is not possible, any waste generated during decommissioning will be removed and transported by a certified and licensed contractor.

Generating Capacity & CO2 Savings

The site will have an approximate capacity 40 megawatts (MW) of solar PV and 40 megawatts (MW) of BESS.

Key Components in the Proposed Development

Key Components in the Proposed Development


What equipment will be used on site?

The following components are proposed for this solar farm:

Solar Panels

The proposed solar farm will be made up, principally, of dark solar panels. Each panel is approximately 2 x 1m. The solar panels will be arranged in a series of rows up to a height of 3m at the highest point and tilted southwards at and angle of, typically, 10 – 25 degrees from horizontal.



Inverters are required to convert the direct current generated by the photovoltaic modules to grid compatible alternating current (AC). There will be approximately 14 inverters on the site.  The inverters are typically 7 m long x 2.5 m wide x 3 m high with a concrete base.  To see photos of inverters, please visit the photos section.

Battery storage system (BESS)

The proposed BESS will be made up, principally, 30 battery storage containers, 15  inverter/Power Control System (PCS) containers (comprising of transformer/inverters/monitoring systems), palisade and wooden fencing, parking facilities for limited maintenance vehicles and CCTV monitoring system. The battery storage containers dimensions will typically be 12.2m x 2.44m x rising to 3.1m and the PCS containers typically ranging from 7-10m x 2.2 -3m rising to 3m in height.


Grid Connection 

The proposed BESS will require a Distribution and client-side substation to connect to the distribution network via a transformer. The proposed solar farm will require a cable easement of 4.5km to connect to the substation which is located just to the south-east of the Site.


Access Track

A 4 m wide permeable access track will be installed to provide access to the compound.



A 2.4m palisade security fence and double gates will be erected around the site for health, safety and insurance purposes.



A series of CCTV cameras will be installed throughout the site. The CCTV arrangements are based on infrared technology so no lighting will be required at night-time

Health and Safety

Health and Safety



Each battery container and inverter station will contain a small fan that is similar to a domestic bathroom fan in both size & rating, these would be away from sensitive noise receptors and the project will be compliant with the noise limits set by the South Staffordshire Council.



No emissions will be emitted by the development.



There is one right of way that traverses through the centre of the site. The footpath will be incorporated in the design of the Development so that the rights of way will not be affected.

A full landscape appraisal will form part of the planning application. Appropriate boundary planting, together with the retention and protection of existing hedgerows would soften the boundaries of the site to assist the project’s integration into the landscape. Trees will be retained as part of the development.


Is there an increased risk of flooding around solar PV & BESS?

There is no  expected significant increase in surface water runoff and therefore no significant increase in the risk of flooding as little impermeable hard surfacing is required. The majority of the solar farm remains open grassland as the features are not altered in any way. The solar farm infrastructure does not affect runoff volumes, with the use of driplines along the face of panels evenly dispersing surface water across the underlying grounds. In addition, the panels are raised on a pre-fabricated framework on screw-driven legs, so only approximately 5% of the ground surface is utilised.